What you need to know about the Yellow Diamond

The popular canary diamonds are the ones that are also called Yellow Diamonds. They are very popular and their popularity is on the constant rise. As per some of the statistical data available the Yellow Diamonds pretty much take the credit for making the diamonds so popular and a big trend. If you have ever wondered how rare are yellow diamonds or what are natural yellow diamonds or even natural fancy yellow diamonds and are wondering whether natural yellow diamonds engagement rings even exist then this is the article for you.

What is Yellow Diamond?

  • Diamonds are rarely naturally yellow which is something that you were expecting to hear.
  • Yellow diamonds through natural interruptions in their formation process are very rare, they are usually formed as a result of a chemical treatment. It is the nitrogen impurities that appear while the diamond is being formed that are the major cause. Yellow Diamonds are also often synthesized in the lab.
  • Such type of yellow diamonds are very different from the natural diamonds are widely used in ornamental jewellery and other manufacturing processes.
  • The value of a flawless clear diamond is very high and once it is set in a piece of jewellery it is likely to fetch a really large sum of money. It is these clear diamonds that are in great demand.
  • A yellow diamond often referred to as a discoloured diamond is not considered very valuable. On the other hand the diamonds which have strong and intensive colour are called fancy diamonds. Such fancy diamonds (yellow diamonds) are handled and graded very differently from the clear diamonds. In fact one of the most popular diamonds around is a fancy diamond (Hope diamond).
  • Yellow diamonds are graded in a completely different manner. To start with the true colour is determined. Then comes the intensity which help detect the difference between fancy an faint.
  • The fancy ones have a vivid colour and are rich an intense. What adds to their value is when they are well cut, since enhances the stunning colour. Since natural yellow diamonds are hard to find the ones you see in the market are likely to be chemically synthesised and lab diamonds. Such diamonds mainly come from Africa and hence it is worth asking your jeweller regarding the source of the diamond.

Common facts about Yellow Diamonds:

  • The discovery of the first canary yellow diamond dates back to Africa in 1866. This named the Eureka diamond which was pale yellow in colour and weighted 10.7 carats. Yellow canary diamonds have been found in various different countries since then.
  • The diamonds in general are usually composed of 99.95% carbon and the other 0.05% consists of traces of several other elements.
  • When it comes to Yellow diamonds (the natural yellow diamonds) it is the traces of Nitrogen that give them their natural colour. Thus quite simply the more the amount nitrogen than exists in the atomic structure the strong is the colour and the strong the yellow diamond will be.
  • A diamond is considered a natural Canary when its hue is a pure yellow in colour. In general the diamond group is divided into several categories. These categories are Fancy Light Yellow, Fancy Intense Yellow and Fancy Vivid Yellow. In fact it is their category that determines the price as well. The Fancy Light Yellow being the most economical while the Fancy Vivid Yellow can be comparatively very expensive.
  • Fluorescence affects the yellow diamonds differently compared to the white diamonds. As far as while diamond are considered fluorescence is viewed negatively. On the other hand when it comes to the Yellow Diamonds the fluorescence can increase the intensity. When it comes to fluorescence the general believe is that is comes only in blue. However that is not completely true since they also come in colours like green, white, orange and yellow.
  • Yellow Diamonds are popular in the oval shape. You may be used to the round brilliant shape for a white diamond however the same is not true for Yellow diamonds. The reason being that when it comes to the round shape the amount of light that it reflects reduces the effect of the Yellow colour diamond. This is one of the main reasons you will usually find them oval in shape.
  • To enhance the effect of the Yellow colour diamonds a technique commonly used is to contrast the yellow diamond by setting other colour diamonds around or beside it. In addition to which the bezel size is better than the prong style depending on the diamond.
  • So how much are Yellow diamonds in the real world? Since the natural Yellow canary diamonds are extremely rare they tend to me more expensive then the colour less ones. As per the statistics recently published for every 10,000 white diamonds there is only one yellow diamond. That statistic is enough to make the natural yellow diamond one of the most valuable around, needless to say it is also the reason why they are more expensive.
  • The natural yellow diamonds vary from diamond to diamond. What makes each one unique is the fact that the amount of nitrogen in each of the natural yellow diamond is completely different. These diamonds are usually found in the ground and not in diamond mines.
  • The yellow diamond happens to hold the record for the largest natural diamond found on Earth. This is the Kimberley Octahedron that was discovered in South Africa in 1972. The diamond is at display in the Diamond Vault at the Big Hole in Kimberley, South Africa.

The many shapes of Yellow Diamonds:

It may come as no surprise to know that no two diamonds have exactly the same shape. It has been mentioned in this very article as well. The shape of the diamond can be compared to that of a snowflake. Since just like the shape of no two snowflakes are the same the pretty much is same for the diamonds. Here is a short list of the common yellow diamonds shapes:

  • Asscher Cut: The Asscher cut stones are also called the Emerald cuts. These stones are step-cut with cropped corners that give them an almost octagonal appearance. The way in which this Asscher cut Yellow Diamond is cut is such that it seems you are looking through the entirely of the diamond.
  • Round Diamond: This is one of the most popular shapes when it comes to diamonds. In fact the round diamond is designed in such a way that it maximizes the light performance. Thus you are most likely to find a round diamond in an engagement ring.
  • Cushion Cut Diamond: The cushion cut is the diamond shape where the name is not of any real significance. It is in fact a hybrid design between what was a classic style popular a long time ago called the Mine cut and the more modern one called the Oval cut.
  • Emerald Cut Diamond: This shape diamond is very popular due the precision of its cut and for the aesthetic appeal. It boasts high transparency of appearance and clarity. This technique was originally used only to cut emeralds as the name suggests but the same technique works surprisingly well with the Yellow diamonds too.
  • Marquise Cut Diamond: The Marquise Cut diamond is a modified round shape diamond. In the sense that his a more elongated round shape diamond. At time it may even look like an eye; don’t really expect it to blink at you though. This one is designed such that it maximizes the appearance of the stone.
  • Oval Diamond: This shape too is a modified round shape with a difference though. This shape more distinctive and is the one you want if you prefer the more scenic view.
  • Pear Shape Diamond: This is truly a unique and exceptionally great performing diamond when it comes to the deliverance of light. It boasts 58 facets and doesn’t really have any thing in common with the pear fruit.
  • Princess Cut Diamond: This is another yellow diamond shape who’s name has little to do with the shape. The shape of these diamonds are square. Their faceting structure and design makes them extremely transparent stones with a big and open appearance. The significance of the name is the fact that when you wear them it makes you feel like a queen.
  • Radiant Cut Diamond: The radiant cut two involves two different cuts. It is a fusion of the round brilliant cut and the emerald cut. This is an unconventional shape, although it does retain the properties of both the round and emerald shaped diamonds.

The role played by Guildhall when it comes to Yellow Diamonds:

There are many takers for the expensive and exquisite rare natural yellow diamonds. It is a good investment though finding one suitable to invest in is not the most easiest task on the Earth. Hence Guildhall believes that the more educated the buyer is regarding the Yellow Diamonds the more successful they are at finding what they are after. Hence Guildhall goes out their way to make sure the buyer knows just exactly how rare and these Yellow stones (diamonds) really are and also help identify the various different grades by providing a grade report. They believe in doing all the hard work themselves so to speak to make the buyer’s experience a more pleasant one.