Natural color Diamond in different Shape, price and quality

Natural color Diamonds

The natural color Diamonds are found as a simple piece of rock and vary in the level of quality. The diamonds found in the nature are the rough uncut diamonds.

The value an uncut diamond, an uncut unpolished diamond and that of a cut and polished diamond in some beautiful shape vary to a high degree.

The cost of uncut diamonds tend to be lower than that of a cut diamond as one would imagine. The article goes on to describe what exactly is a cut diamond and the various shapes as wells the varying quality and price.

Diamond Shapes:

Natural color Diamonds can be cut into different shapes and each shape takes a varying level of skill. In fact some of the shapes are so hard to achieve that it takes the touch of a highly experienced diamond cutter and some state of the art tools make. Here are some of the more popular shapes:


This is one shape that is very popular and also one of the most technically advanced of all the shapes. The round brilliant shape requires the use of more advanced cutting technology.


The next most popular shape is the Princess shape and is typically square shape and sometimes rectangle too. This shape was created in 1980s and also displays high quality of brilliance. It is very popular and often seen as the alternative to the popular round shape. The Princess Diamond is often found in engagement rings.


The Emerald cut is also a very popular cut although it is not a brilliant cut. It is a large open table with a step cut. It is close to the rectangular shape and resembles the natural diamond shape in many ways. It is a very elegant cut and considered vintage by some. This too is preferred by many due to the fact that it is no as vibrant as the others.


The Asscher diamond is very similar to the emerald cut. The subtle difference being that the Asscher cut has larger step facets along with dramatically cut corners and square shape. At the same time this slightly modified cut results in more light reflection and fire than the emerald shaped diamond. An Asscher diamond with a H color grade or higher is usually recommended.


The oval diamond resembles the round shaped diamond is some ways. It has a very high level of brilliance but at the same time if the stone is not cut to perfection there are changes that it will cause a bottle effect, or several other anomalies might occur.


The marquise has a football like shape which maximizes the illusion of increased diamond weight, giving the appearance of a much larger looking diamond. It has high level of brilliance and light reflection.


The radiant shape is considered to be the so called father of fancy cut diamonds since it was first introduced over 20 years ago. It is also the first to have a brilliant facet pattern. It is considered to be the idea shape for colored diamonds due to its characteristics.


The heart shape diamond can vary in height and width to a great extent. It is understandingly associated with love and is often the first choice for an anniversary ring and a Mother’s day necklace.


This too is a brilliant shape and is a combination of the round and the marquis shapes. There are many popular diamonds around that are in this shape and it too is preferred by many.


The cushion shaped diamond is one diamond where the name does not have anything to do with the shape. It is also called, rather technically called the Old Mine Cut and has been around since before the 1900s. This too is a fancy shape diamond with brilliant angles and was more popular before the round shaped diamond came into existence.

Diamond Quality:

  • Diamonds are found in the nature and produced as a result several natural process taking place. Thus it is evident that no two diamonds found are the same and all the diamonds found a likely to have some level of impurities (mixture of other elements).
  • The ones that have the least level of impurities is what we call a flawless diamond. Hence it is needless to say that the flawless diamonds are extremely rare and hence the quality of the diamond is found using the grading system developed by GIA which is based on the 4Cs, Clarity, Color, Cut and Carat.

Guild Hall Diamonds:

  • The diamond buyers do not always now the facts about diamonds. There are a few who tend to do some research prior to making an expensive purchase (like buying the diamond)
  • It can hardly compare with the many years of experience that can be provided by Guild Hall Diamonds. In addition to which they also offer assistance and help while grading the diamonds.

Rare flawless ‘Blue Diamond’ to make your dream comes true

Blue Diamonds

There are many people who associate diamonds with a crystal clear flawless white diamond. While that is correct, that is not the only kind of diamond that is available.

Diamonds can be colored too. And for those who do know that colored diamonds exist, the natural fancy colored diamonds are usually very rare and expensive.

Among the colored diamonds, the Yellow Diamond is the least rare while the blue diamond is one of the rarest of the colored diamonds.

The most popular blue diamond in the world is the Hope Diamond at the Smithsonian Institute in Washington D.C.

It is also the largest Blue Diamond at 45.52 carats. The robbery incident give a fair idea of how valuable and popular the Blue Diamond really are.

The Millennium Dome Diamond Robbery was a plan to stead 12 large diamonds, estimated at a total value of 200 Million pounds. Lucky enough for those concerned it was a failed attempt. Eleven of those 12 diamonds where blue diamond.

Are Blue diamond natural?

  • The simple answer to this is, Yes natural blue diamonds are often found though they are very rare. The fact of the matter is that Blue Diamonds are so rare that most of the Jewellers would not have seen one and may never own one.
  • That said over the after conducting some studies a process has been developed to produce blue diamonds in a laboratory. This is done by recreating the conditions that existed Millions of years ago and using high temperature treatment.
  • Thus it is a good idea to ask the jeweller having Blue Diamonds jewellery whether or not they are truly natural or have been modified in a laboratory. These diamonds are called treated blue diamonds.

How are rare is rare:

  • Blue diamonds are extremely rare. One can imagine how rare since most of the jewellers have not yet seen and will probably never own one. Most of the jewellers will never bother finding one either.
  • These natural blue diamonds are found in very few mines around the world. In general the Blue Diamond come from Rio Tinto’s Argyle mine in Australia and near from Pretoria, South Africa Petra Diamond’s Cullinan mine. However very small number of blue diamonds are also found in Goloconda mind in India.
  • When it comes to the cost of the Blue Diamonds you can imagine it is quite high since they are very rare. The cost of a fancy blue diamond with high clarity can be much more than an ordinary colorless diamond.

Guild Hall Diamonds:

  • We feel it is our duty to make sure the Diamond Buyers who have no or limited knowledge regarding the many facts about diamonds are making an educated decision when it comes to buying diamonds.
  • While many tend to do some research prior to making an expensive purchase (like buying the diamond) it can hardly compare with the many years of experience that can be provided by Guild Hall Diamonds. In addition to which they also offer assistance and help while grading the diamonds

The biggest bang for you when you choose color diamonds

0.61 Carats Fancy Bluish Green Radiant Cut VS20.33 CARATS FANCY ARGYLE PINK ROUND BRILLIANT CUT VS1

When it comes to color of a diamond it is not always referred to in the conventional meaning. The color grade in fact refers to the lack of color.

In general a diamond is graded on their colorlessness. Which means the lesser the presence of color in the diamonds higher is their value. There is an exception to this rule however.

There happen to be color diamonds available too which are often referred to as fancy color diamonds which are not within the color range. These diamonds can be pink, blue, yellow etc.

Grade Scale:

  • The color grading scale established by GIA is the one that has been widely accepted by the industry.
  • The scale extends from D to Z where D represents the colorless diamond. As we go down the scale towards Z the presence of color increases.
  • The diamonds are graded in controlled environments and by making use of special tools since the subtle difference is almost invisible to the naked eye.
  • It is the only a trained specialised that is likely to spot the difference. As it so happens though the difference in color is subtle the difference in prices is quite substantial.
  • The best value for money are the diamonds in the color grade G to H having a clarity of VS2 – SI1.
  • The clarity of the diamonds is part of the big 4 C’s of a diamond that can determine the characteristic of a diamond and help to determine the true value of a diamond.

4C of a Diamond:

A lot of importance is given to the 4C of a diamond since they help determine the characteristic of a diamond. The 4Cs are:


  • The cut is the grade of a diamond’s reflective qualities and not the shape. However when it comes to the reflective qualities the shape of the diamond plays an important role in how the light passes through. Although some shapes are better at it than others the reflective quality depends more on how skilfully the diamond is cut and given shape.


  • The visibility, number and size of the inner flaws or inclusions that often associated with diamonds determines the clarity of the diamond. The way it works is that the more the clarity the higher the brilliance and thus the higher the price. The Clarity Grade can be further described as below:
  • F: Flawless
  • IF: Internally Flawless
  • VVS1 – VVS2: Very Very Slightly Included 1 and 2
  • VS1 – VS2: Very Slightly Included 1 and 2
  • SI1- SI2: Slightly Included 1 and 2
  • I1 – I2 – I3: Included 1, 2 and 3


  • This is the absence of color in a diamond. A colorless diamonds allows more light to pass through it than a colored diamond. Hence a colorless diamond sparkles more. However it often happens that several other elements are included in the diamond giving it a color. The diamonds are graded on a scale from G to Z.


  • Carat is simply the weight of the diamond. Hence the higher the carat the more the price. It happens to be a unit of measure and is equivalent to 200 milligrams.

Guild Hall Diamonds:

  • Diamonds is entirely a domain that not everyone understands. The method in which they are graded, their characteristics and value of color in diamonds isn’t something that comes intuitively.
  • Thus the people at Guildhall Diamonds who do a detailed check of a diamond before putting it up on the market are able to educate the buyer with all the facts and the true value of a diamond.
  • With Guildhall Diamonds you can be assured you are getting a good deal in every way.

Discover the magic of yellow diamonds from the latest collection

Yellow Diamonds

  • Are you on the search for a really good fancy diamond? Then you are in luck because this articles showcases how the yellow canary diamonds or fancy yellow diamonds are not only a good choice but also more affordable.
  • White diamonds have a color scale that runs from D to Z. Here D is the pure white color while the further you go towards Z the color becomes more yellow through to becoming Fancy Vivid Yellow Diamond.
  • The diamond on the other end of the spectrum (Z) do not have a trace of whiteness and are fully saturated with yellow.

Natural Fancy Yellow Diamonds

  • The yellow diamonds are quite common and affordable. On the other hand the other diamonds like the pink diamond for example are rare and do not even fall in the color scale D to Z.
  • Hence the pink color diamonds tend to be more expensive too. When it comes to the cost of yellow diamonds they differ depending on several factors.
  • To be more specific when it come to the cost, light yellow diamond can be compared to the J color white diamond.
  • The Yellow diamond can be compared to the G color white diamond. While the strongest fancy vivid yellow diamond which is also known as the intense yellow diamond can be compared with the D color diamond. This is also the most expensive of the three.

Buy yellow diamonds

  • If you have finally made up your mind to buy a yellow diamond; the first step is to establish your budget and decide on the size of the diamond you want to buy along with the color intensity.
  • There is yet another decision to make and that is if you wish to buy the diamond as a set in jewelery or a simple rock on its own.
  • If you are after jewelery like many tend to be; since it is usually only the collectors who opt for a rock by itself.
  • A yellow diamond can be set quite nicely in a bright yellow gold jewelry such that it brilliance of the diamond is evident.

Guildhall Diamonds:

  • It is often the case that the diamonds buyers have no or limited knowledge regarding the many facts about diamonds. While many tend to do some research prior to making an expensive purchase (like buying the diamond).
  • it can hardly compare with the many years of experience that can be provided by Guild Hall Diamonds. In addition to which they also offer assistance and help while grading the diamonds.

Diamonds come in a variety of colors

0.31 Carats Vivid Yellowish Orange Pear Cut VS1 0.27 CARATS INTENSE ARGYLE PURPLISH PINK VS2

Diamonds come in a variety of colors:

  • No one can imagine the Nature without color so is to about diamonds. One of the leading diamond manufactures has introduced a guide for colored diamonds.
  • It shows amazing and interesting facts about diamonds that are colored. As per the guide, the diamonds have 234 different color combinations.
  • Among them the most expensive colored diamonds are pink, yellow, green, blue, purple, red, orange and brown.
  • After all, it is a long life investment for them. That’s why colored diamonds are regarded as the costliest diamonds across the diamond world.
  • However, fancy colored diamonds are in greater demands as they are natural and they have their pure beauty without any artificiality.
  • Fancy colored diamonds are available in 12 different colors. But when it comes to prices of diamonds, the experts set its prices depending upon the intensity of color and hues. Also, carat, shape, cut and shinning are important matter for deciding true price of any diamond.
  • As diamond is an apple of everyone’s eyes, most of people in the world like to wear diamonds on different occasions like engagements, wedding, reception and other causal as well as business parties.
  • Color diamonds also add beauty, if there are worn in rings, pendants, earrings and necklaces. Sometimes, gorgeous ladies get their favorite color diamonds embedded in bracelets.
  • Moreover, diamonds are the best investment. Seeing this, an elite group of people invest big bucks in different types of colored diamonds and receive handsome return out of it.
  • Guildhall provides its clients with finest colored diamonds with the authentication of GIA (Gemological Institute of America).
  • Guildhall never let a single stone unturned when it comes to the quality and authenticity of colored diamonds. So, invest in fancy colored diamonds as no other investment can concentrate better than them!

Diamonds Can Wear Colors Too!



  • Truly speaking, it’s countless! It’s not only you that wish to put on, but also everyone wants to wear diamonds with different colors.
  • The reason is colors represent prosperity, celebration and happiness in life. But, how many of us really know about diamonds?
  • Diamonds are the most precious metal. You can see fancy colored diamonds in a huge colored diamond collection like green, blue, pink, orange, yellow, brown and other diamonds with a variety of colors.
  • Depending upon your likes, you can pick up any of your most loved diamonds to glorify your beauty.
  • In addition to colored diamonds, natural color diamonds are distinctive. That’s why they are in great demand.
  • Also, these diamonds are available in every imaginable color, size and price. However, the primary colors of diamonds are: yellow, pink, brown, blue, green, orange, purple, olive, and red.
  • Colored diamonds, especially natural color diamonds, have color saturation i.e. from very faint to an intense vivid color.
  • Just a slight change in its color, affects its prices greatly and it can come under the category of affordable diamonds.
  • The prices of colored diamonds depend on their intensity. Higher the intensity of diamonds, higher the prices of them! And an elite group of people purchases such kinds of diamonds for their prestige and fame.
  • After all, diamonds are diamonds. There isn’t any metal that can lower its prices. That is why a research has been done on the perception of various colors of diamonds.
  • As per the research, pink color diamonds are suggestive of youthfulness, feminine & uniqueness. While white color diamonds are the choice of traditional, brilliant and classic people.
  • Those who are confident, intelligent and worldly choose yellow colored diamonds. Actually, every color has its own importance and relevance to personality.
  • Simply, beautify yourselves with your desired colored diamonds from the largest collection of colored diamonds!

Pink Diamonds Buying Guide – How to buy a more affordable pink diamond?

Natural Fancy Intense Purplish Pink

Natural Fancy Intense Pink








  • When it comes to beauty and wealth, diamonds stand aloof. No other metal offers rewarding wealth than diamonds do. And this has increased the craze of buying diamonds across the world.
  • Nowadays, anyone can easily buy diamonds on-line. But, you might feel confused about how to buy diamonds and what to check in pink diamonds. Nothing to worry! In the 21st century, whatever you wish, it comes true without delaying.

What to check before buying a pink diamond?

  • Do you wish to buy pink diamonds? Wow, pink diamonds are the second rarest color found in the stone or diamond family. And those who wear the beautiful pink diamonds are fortunate.
  • Isn’t it true? Most people buy diamonds for engagement rings as engagements are closer to hearts. So, it is utmost important to know the basics of buying Natural fancy color pink diamonds.
  • Whether you desire to purchase a pink diamond or any diamond, it is essential to know how to purchase diamond of high quality. Before you check anything else, you must verify if a diamond you are going to buy is a GIA certified pink diamond.
  • This is the first and foremost task you need to do before checking any other parameter. And a GIA certificate means GIA not a gemological certificate. Be sure to have only a GIA certificate for true and authentic diamonds valuing your money.
  • Once you are sure for its certification, there are other things like carat, clarity, prices, cut and shape.
  • Diamonds are the most valuable stones that anyone loves to buy them. However, depending upon your budget you can buy your favorite pink diamonds.
  • Carat is what decides the prices of diamonds. Diamonds’ prices are set as per carat. Therefore, if you choose to buy any of pink diamonds, pay the prices according to carat of diamonds.
  • Apart from carat, clarity plays an important role in deciding the value of diamonds. The grading is like FL, IF, VVS1, VVS2, VS1, VS2, SI1, SI2, I1, I2.
  • There are buyers who sometimes over grade clarity as they simply like the color of diamonds. After all its beauty that beholds everybody’s attention and diamond lovers wear diamonds in order to glorify themselves as well as others.
  • Diamonds are just diamonds not because of color and carat but because of its cut and shape too. The brilliance of any diamond can be known through its cut and shape.
  • Though cut and shape are often considered as the same thing. Diamonds with high color and high quality are valued high. They have awesome cut & shape along with clarity. But, do not settle for poor symmetry and bad polish.
  • A highly priced diamond is one that has round color shape. Yes, round colored diamonds are the most expensive as you won’t find many of these types in the market. They are rare. That is why they have high prices.
  • So, simply before you walk out of your home for buying beautiful and amazing pink diamonds, consider few thumb rules in order to decide its quality and pricing.

A lasting symbol of your love gets a contemporary update with this color diamonds

1.01 CARATS INTENSE YELLOW RADIANT CUT IF0.61 Carats Fancy Bluish Green Radiant Cut VS2

A lasting symbol of your love gets a contemporary update with this color diamonds

  • A diamond in jewelry is like a glittering dew-drop on a lotus flower. That’s why an elite group of people craves to wear fancy color diamonds as they are exceptional and beautiful.
  • Even diamonds are lasting symbol of your love. It surprisingly strengthens relationships between fiancé and fiancée. Truly, diamonds are such that no one can resist having them on necklaces or rings.

Pure Fashionable Solid Color Diamond

  • When one thinks of diamonds, there isn’t any reason not to think about pure fashionable color diamonds. Special persons choose very special and different color diamonds as per their taste and personality.
  • The highly prized color diamonds are saturated pinks, blues, and green.
  • When you go for buying valuable diamonds, you will come to know that even a slight color difference can have a big impact on its prices. This is the reason people are choosy about the rarest colors.
  • Solid color diamonds have soaring demand among buyers as they are bold and vibrant for a classic look.
  • Even in engagements and other occasions, people wear such precious and perfect diamonds in order to magnify the event like anniversary, wedding, reception or engagements.
  • But, few of us have their own choices for colors. So, it is obvious that everyone has different selection criteria for buying costly diamonds.
  • It means there is no best color for diamonds. Whichever color you like the most is the best color for you. Sounds cool?
  • Today, diamond marketers follow GIA diamond color scale. The GIA certified diamonds are authentic and trustworthy.
  • Some of the color scale of diamonds are colorless (D, E, F), near colorless (G, H, I, J), faint color (K, L, M), very light color (N, R) and light color (S, Z). Depending upon the color scale of diamonds, they are priced because color glorifies personality.
  • The gemologists follow a master set for grading colors in diamonds and then the prices are set as per its gradation. But for the common persons like us, it is valuable only if we like it.
  • The most important matter for buyers is prices, quality and brilliance of fashionable color diamonds. After all, they make costly purchases simply for gifting their beloveds.
  • Without any worry, go on buying as many diamonds as you can. After all, they will increase your wealth as well as value. At present, solid color diamonds have a great demand as they are comparatively cheaper and more elegant.
  • When it comes to adding color to diamonds, it requires accurate processes and highly qualified professionals.
  • Applying intense pressure and heat diamonds get colors such as brown, red, pink, gray, green, blue, orange, violet, purple, and yellow.
  • As per their colors, diamonds have specific value. Moreover, the rarest colors are blue, pink and green and they are costlier than the other colored diamonds.
  • Make handsome investments right here in pure fashionable solid color diamonds and be successful investors for better tomorrows. Simply, diamonds are forever!

Pink Diamonds Buying Guide

0.55 CARATS INTENSE ARGYLE PINK SQUARE EMERALD CUT VS2 How to buy a more affordable pink diamond?

•    When it comes to beauty and wealth, diamonds stand aloof. No other metal offers rewarding wealth than diamonds do. And this has increased the craze of buying diamonds across the world.

•    Nowadays, anyone can easily buy diamonds online. But, you might feel confused about how to buy diamonds and what to check in pink diamonds. Nothing to worry! In the 21st century, whatever you wish, it comes true without delaying.

What to check before buying a pink diamond?

•    Do you wish to buy pink diamonds? Wow, pink diamonds are the second rarest color found in the stone or diamond family. And those who wear the beautiful pink diamonds are fortunate.

•    Isn’t it true? Most people buy diamonds for engagement rings as engagements are closer to hearts. So, it is utmost important to know the basics of buying Natural fancy color pink diamonds.

•    Whether you desire to purchase a pink diamond or any diamond, it is essential to know how to purchase diamond of high quality.

•    Before you check anything else, you must verify if a diamond you are going to buy is a GIA certified pink diamond. This is the first and foremost task you need to do before checking any other parameter.

•    A GIA certificate means GIA not a gemological certificate. Be sure to have only a GIA certificate for true and authentic diamonds valuing your money.

•    Once you are sure for its certification, there are other things like carat, clarity, prices, cut and shape.

•    Diamonds are the most valuable stones that anyone loves to buy them. However, depending upon your budget you can buy your favorite pink diamonds.

•    Carat is what decides the prices of diamonds. Diamonds’ prices are set as per carat. Therefore, if you choose to buy any of pink diamonds, pay the prices according to carat of diamonds. Apart from carat, clarity plays an important role in deciding the value of diamonds. The grading is like FL, IF, VVS1, VVS2, VS1, VS2, SI1, SI2, I1, I2.

•    There are buyers who sometimes over grade clarity as they simply like the color of diamonds. After all its beauty that beholds everybody’s attention and diamond lovers wear diamonds in order to glorify themselves as well as others.

•    Diamonds are just diamonds not because of color and carat but because of its cut and shape too. The brilliance of any diamond can be known through its cut and shape.

•    Though cut and shape are often considered as the same thing. Diamonds with high color and high quality are valued high. They have awesome cut & shape along with clarity. But, do not settle for poor symmetry and bad polish.

•    A highly priced diamond is one that has round color shape. Yes, round colored diamonds are the most expensive as you won’t find many of these types in the market. They are rare. That is why they have high prices.

•    So, simply before you walk out of your home for buying beautiful and amazing pink diamonds, consider few thumb rules in order to decide its quality and pricing.

A good quality colored diamond – its value, price

0.55 CARATS INTENSE ARGYLE PINK SQUARE EMERALD CUT VS20.61 Carats Fancy Bluish Green Radiant Cut VS2

You may either be in the market to buy a diamond or to sell one. Either way it is important that you know the true value of a diamond. There are many ways in which it is possible to detect the true value of a diamond.

However GIA has introduced a standard by which the diamonds can be verified and their quality be graded. This has now been accepted the world over though it isn’t something that one can do on their own.

There are very strict guidelines to determine the quality of a diamond. The characteristics of a diamond can be determined with the help of the 4Cs.

Brief introduction to the 4Cs:

The 4Cs are the Carat, Cut, Color and Clarity and they help to find the major characteristics of a diamond.

Carat: Carat is an indication of the weight of the diamond.

Cut:  The cut indicates the quality of the cut of the diamond. The diamond is usually found in a raw format and is cut to and needs to be shaped to one of the many shapes. The popular shapes are heart, round, emerald, etc. The quality of the cut is also important since the properties (like brilliance, how effectively it passed white light)  of the diamond depend on the cut.

Color:   The color gives an idea of the tint of the stone. The lesser the color the more the value.

Clarity: The extent of the blemishes on the diamond is the measure of the clarity. The lesser the blemishes the higher the value.

A diamond appraiser:

  • A diamond appraiser can be your local jeweller (independent diamond appraiser) if you trust him enough. On the other hand you can even opt for a certified GIA, EGL, IGI, or AGS laboratory for a diamond appraiser.
  • The cost of a diamond appraiser varies from place to place. It can be an hour rate or it could be a percentage of the value of the diamond.
  • Either way it is necessary to make sure that the diamond appraiser you select is certified and qualified.
  • There are several factors relating to a diamond that only a diamond appraiser can detect.
  • The factors that I am referring to are listed here:

    • The diamond appraiser has an eye for whether the or not the diamond has been treated. At times either a temporary or permanent treatment may be applied at is invisible to the naked eye.
    • They can detect a fake diamond and even tell whether it was man made or altered in anyway.
    • They can verify the grading information.
    • Detect a damaged stone.
    • Verify the stone is cut properly.

The value of the colored diamond:

  • Colored diamond  are extremely rare and hence are quite expensive. To give you a good idea of the value a pear shaped diamond was sold for $4.93 million at an auction in Geneva which happened to be the highest price that has even been paid for any gemstone ever.
  • The diamonds are available in several colors like Blue, Yellow, Pink, Green, Red, Purple, Orange etc.
  • The colorless or clear diamonds are rare though that is nothing compared to these colored diamonds.
  • At times only 1 or 2 of a color are found in a year. With them in good demand for many reasons, even investment purposes, the colored diamonds are more expensive.

Guild Hall Diamonds:

It is often the case that the diamonds buyers have no or limited knowledge regarding the many facts about diamonds. While many tend to do some research prior to making an expensive purchase (like buying the diamond) it can hardly compare with the many years of experience that can be provided by Guild Hall Diamonds. In addition to which they also offer assistance and help while grading the diamonds.