Discover the magic of yellow diamonds from the latest collection

Yellow Diamonds

  • Are you on the search for a really good fancy diamond? Then you are in luck because this articles showcases how the yellow canary diamonds or fancy yellow diamonds are not only a good choice but also more affordable.
  • White diamonds have a color scale that runs from D to Z. Here D is the pure white color while the further you go towards Z the color becomes more yellow through to becoming Fancy Vivid Yellow Diamond.
  • The diamond on the other end of the spectrum (Z) do not have a trace of whiteness and are fully saturated with yellow.

Natural Fancy Yellow Diamonds

  • The yellow diamonds are quite common and affordable. On the other hand the other diamonds like the pink diamond for example are rare and do not even fall in the color scale D to Z.
  • Hence the pink color diamonds tend to be more expensive too. When it comes to the cost of yellow diamonds they differ depending on several factors.
  • To be more specific when it come to the cost, light yellow diamond can be compared to the J color white diamond.
  • The Yellow diamond can be compared to the G color white diamond. While the strongest fancy vivid yellow diamond which is also known as the intense yellow diamond can be compared with the D color diamond. This is also the most expensive of the three.

Buy yellow diamonds

  • If you have finally made up your mind to buy a yellow diamond; the first step is to establish your budget and decide on the size of the diamond you want to buy along with the color intensity.
  • There is yet another decision to make and that is if you wish to buy the diamond as a set in jewelery or a simple rock on its own.
  • If you are after jewelery like many tend to be; since it is usually only the collectors who opt for a rock by itself.
  • A yellow diamond can be set quite nicely in a bright yellow gold jewelry such that it brilliance of the diamond is evident.

Guildhall Diamonds:

  • It is often the case that the diamonds buyers have no or limited knowledge regarding the many facts about diamonds. While many tend to do some research prior to making an expensive purchase (like buying the diamond).
  • it can hardly compare with the many years of experience that can be provided by Guild Hall Diamonds. In addition to which they also offer assistance and help while grading the diamonds.

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